Farm House Style Kitchen Table Painted Red, White and Blue

Farm House Style Kitchen Table Painted Red, White and Blue

Frank shares with us his find that finally allowed him to paint his dream! First he bought his products from Cool and Collected Antiques in Nebraska, then he found a farm house style kitchen table to paint red, white & blue.

Farm House Style Kitchen Table Painted Red, White and Blue

Frank doesn’t have a a before picture of this piece, it was a cub side find. It was conveniently found next door to where he lives. It’s what one would call an old “farm style” utility/kitchen table with one drawer.Frank  had been wanting to paint an american flag on a piece of furniture for some time now and when he found this piece he  knew immediately it was exactly the piece for this project.

Products Used

  • Home Plate a creamy white color
  • Fireworks Red a bright, fireworks red color
  • Born of the 4th Of July a deep, navy color
  • Top Coat  is a durable sealer that goes on clear and leaves your piece with a professional shiny finish.

Since Frank had a full canvas to work with he was going to paint it as accurate right down the the number of stars and stripes. He spent the time to measure every detail out to the right ratio.  Two coats of paint was applied since he was going for the distressed look. Lightly painted, then after sanding down the Born on the 4th he added the stars, making his own “stamp” out of cardboard. Frank then  sanded down the stripes, then sanded the stars.

Farm House Style Kitchen Table Painted Red, White and Blue

This project went relatively quick, about 4 hours from start to finish. After completing the table it went right into our shop for a July 4th display. The table sold within two weeks.


Farm House Style Kitchen Table Painted Red, White and Blue

Thank you Frank for sharing this amazing piece with us!! Have any project ideas lined up? Be sure and tell us what they are in the comments below.

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American Paint Company