Transforming Furniture – A Coffee Table Turned Bench

I have wanted to try this idea of turning a coffee table into a bench and this piece was perfect for the project.  I started off with an ordinary coffee table.  I chose to paint the legs with APC Home Plate.  I distressed it and finished the top with a dark wax to give it an aged look.


Using a circular saw we cut a piece of wood that covered the top surface of the table.


Next step was to drill the holes to attach the wood to the top of the table.

First, I drilled holes into the wood and then drilled the holes onto the tabletop that would match.

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Next, I sprayed the top surface of the wood with A1 Fabric Adhesive. I put the foam that I precut on top to cover the wood. I chose to double the foam but it depends on how much cushion you desire. I added batting on top of the foam to add fluffiness. I wrapped it over the foam and the wood so the edges would be soft.

I used our staple gun to attach the batting to the underside of the wood.  If you look closely you can see the screws coming through the bottom. I dropped them in before the foam and put a nut on the underside to keep them in place until I mount the wood to the table top.


I hope everyone has a Hobby Lobby (HL) in their neighborhoods, because I love them!  The fabric I used is from HL. Amazing selections and always on sale. I attached the fabric with the staple gun, just like I did the batting.


I finished with the fabric and dropped the covered cushion onto the table.  I slipped the nut onto the bolt, and that completes it. I just love how it looks in the new shop!!!!

Picture 34

Blog post courtesy of Janell



  1. Thanks for share the great information!

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