Using Mica Powder to Enhance the Beautiful Color
Thank you Monica for this great easy to do DIY idea, in her words here is how Using Mica Powder to Enhance the Beautiful Color in a DIY knock off inspired look.
I love wandering in Restoration Hardware oohing and awwing over all the gorgeous pieces of furniture and home decor. The only problem is the PRICE!!! I would feel guilty spending $145 on a vase when the same effect could be quickly created with a little creativity. With American Paint Company’s Mica Powder I knew this look could be created really easily.

Monica’s inspiration for this project.
Using Mica Powder to Enhance the Beautiful Color

Thank you Monica!
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Love the way the candle sticks came out. Can this technique be use for for glass, plastic or wood? Please let me know. Thank you,
Yes, the paint sticks to all types of surfaces!
Love this look! 🙂
Very awesome indeed.