Who, What, Where Wednesday – Droopy Daisy

My name is Jamie Holton and I own a business in Texas called Droopy Daisy.

I’ve been junking and painting furniture since way before it was ever cool.


One of my earliest memories of treasure hunting was with my grandmother, who I called Nanny.  She worked at my grandfather’s car lot downtown, but during lunch, we’d almost always go for a walk around our small downtown in Alabama, and pretty much always wind up in the dusty, musty, antique-furniture filled store around the corner.  One side was new clothes and shoes, but if you ventured further into the store, there was a huge room full of junk, covered in dust.  We’d paw around in there, dragging out treasures.  I was all of ten years old.
I distinctly remember being in seventh grade and asking for a plain, unfinished chest of drawers to paint – for my birthday (I still have it!).  When it came time for me to get my own place, Nanny gave me her old furniture, and I painted it.  I was the only 19 year old girl I knew who had a college apartment kitchen full of antique and vintage kitchen tools and accessories.
My love for all things old has never waned.  For many years after college, I was a middle manager in corporate America, spending my days behind a computer screen or trying to figure out how to stay awake on yet another conference call.  After I had my second son at the age of 35, I decided to stay home with him.  Within three months, I was beginning to realize I needed something else to do, so Droopy Daisy was born!  I have had two previous “crafty” businesses, but both had suffered from my busy work schedule.
I started out small, doing projects for friends and making my signature hymnal art.  Soon, I was painting so much furniture that I needed to find a paint I could use inside that wouldn’t aggravate my children’s asthma.
I stumbled onto American Paint Company and gave it a whirl.  I was in love!  No odor, no headaches, none of the problems I have had with other paints.
I also do shows and festivals all over Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas.  I love my new career, and I especially love the fact I can live my passion while still being there for my three kids on a daily basis.
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I often wish my Nanny was still around to see what I’ve done with the lessons she taught me, but cancer took her when I was 21.  I’m sure she looks down on me with a smile!
I adore helping out with custom painting jobs and transforming the items I pick up at garage sales and thrift shops.  I also love teaching about American Paint Company products.  My workshops are fun and informative and I’ve made many friends through the classes I offer.
Here are some photos of furniture I have painted with American Paint Company chalk and clay based paints!
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  1. Nice work I’m looking for American paint do you happen to sale it

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