Janik used the following APC products:
- Gunpowder
- Home Plate
- Top Coat
This is what she had to say about her project:
My husband purchased this frame for me in the 81, just before our wedding!
Originally red it was painted in Gold Leaf, & he cut the mirror to size.
This sat in a box for a number of years as it was soo dated to hang anywhere.
I recently attended some classes at Princeton Paint & Decor,
and have become hooked on APC Paints!
Step 1:
Started with a full cover of Gun Powder, it looked hideous and stayed in the garden shed for 2 years!
After 2 lessons I felt brave enough to tackle this project.
Covered it in Home Plate, it looked worse!!
Step 2:
Played with watering down the Gun Powder, when dry I worked in the shadows with the paint, then took sandpaper to the edges to release some gold.
Step 3:
2 coats of Top Coat sealed the deal.
It was a lengthy process to get the desired finish, products dried quickly, which made it easy for touch ups.
Now I’m on the look out for more projects!!
Creating is a process, ENJOY it!! Don’ t get discouraged when you are working on a project.
REMEMBER: There is no right or wrong way…
Sometimes we just need to take a little extra time to get the look we are going for, that is what creating is all about!
Thanks Janik for sharing your experience CREATING with APC!
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